Roasted Beetroot, Smashed Beans & Parsley Side Dish

Roasted Beetroot, Smashed Beans & Parsley Side Dish

Beetroot, Smashed White Beans & Parsley 3 large Beetroot (roasted & sliced)1 tin White Beans ((haricot, butter, cannellini…))3 pinches Finely Chopped Fresh Parleyto taste Oliver Oil (don't be shy)to taste salt & pepper Cooking the beetroot:You...
Protect the Bugs, Birds & Biodiversity by Eating Pesticide Free Foods

Protect the Bugs, Birds & Biodiversity by Eating Pesticide Free Foods

The weather keeps alternating between warm and cold spells, rainy showers and sunny days. What a British summer! It’s slowed down the crops a bit compared to last year, but things are still coming along. And the farms are abuzz with the birds of summer now, darting...
June – UK farms burst into life & keep farmers busy

June – UK farms burst into life & keep farmers busy

Sarah Green writes from the fields of Essex: “June is always a very busy month in the vegetable fields. We hardly know which way to turn with so much to do – planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting the organic vegetables. June is a month that, no matter what...
5 Community Events to Attend in Summer 2024

5 Community Events to Attend in Summer 2024

As summer finally gives us a few days of lovely warmth and sunshine, we’d like to let you know about a few events to get you out of the house! We’ve got a stall at the Alma Street Fair this Sunday 23rd June. Come and see us between noon and 7pm. It’s the hippest...
Stop Wasting Food & Eat Your Vegetables from ‘Root to Shoot’

Stop Wasting Food & Eat Your Vegetables from ‘Root to Shoot’

The first bunched new carrots of the season have arrived! These are my daughter’s favourite, as they look so classically carrot-like. The orange root, the big fluffy green leaves of the carrot top, the way you feel like Bugs Bunny when you eat one raw! You’ll notice...