Roasted Beetroot, Smashed Beans & Parsley Side Dish

Roasted Beetroot, Smashed Beans & Parsley Side Dish

Beetroot, Smashed White Beans & Parsley 3 large Beetroot (roasted & sliced)1 tin White Beans ((haricot, butter, cannellini…))3 pinches Finely Chopped Fresh Parleyto taste Oliver Oil (don't be shy)to taste salt & pepper Cooking the beetroot:You...
Protect the Bugs, Birds & Biodiversity by Eating Pesticide Free Foods

Protect the Bugs, Birds & Biodiversity by Eating Pesticide Free Foods

The weather keeps alternating between warm and cold spells, rainy showers and sunny days. What a British summer! It’s slowed down the crops a bit compared to last year, but things are still coming along. And the farms are abuzz with the birds of summer now, darting...
June – UK farms burst into life & keep farmers busy

June – UK farms burst into life & keep farmers busy

Sarah Green writes from the fields of Essex: “June is always a very busy month in the vegetable fields. We hardly know which way to turn with so much to do – planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting the organic vegetables. June is a month that, no matter what...
5 Community Events to Attend in Summer 2024

5 Community Events to Attend in Summer 2024

As summer finally gives us a few days of lovely warmth and sunshine, we’d like to let you know about a few events to get you out of the house! We’ve got a stall at the Alma Street Fair this Sunday 23rd June. Come and see us between noon and 7pm. It’s the hippest...
Stop Wasting Food & Eat Your Vegetables from ‘Root to Shoot’

Stop Wasting Food & Eat Your Vegetables from ‘Root to Shoot’

The first bunched new carrots of the season have arrived! These are my daughter’s favourite, as they look so classically carrot-like. The orange root, the big fluffy green leaves of the carrot top, the way you feel like Bugs Bunny when you eat one raw! You’ll notice...
Could it be the Hungiest Gap in 20 years!?

Could it be the Hungiest Gap in 20 years!?

The leeks and carrots have all run out. This, by everyone’s reckoning, may be the worst week of 2024’s Hungry Gap. There is so little UK organic produce around at the moment. Sarah Green, who has almost no produce to offer at the moment, says “I think this is my worst...