
The leeks and carrots have all run out. This, by everyone’s reckoning, may be the worst week of 2024’s Hungry Gap. There is so little UK organic produce around at the moment.

Sarah Green, who has almost no produce to offer at the moment, says “I think this is my worst Hungry Gap in 20 years!” It’s been an unusual winter and spring, against the backdrop of the accelerating and unpredictable disturbances of climate change. The wet winter badly affected the root crops that normally see us through the spring and they finished relatively early, and then the continuing wet weather has been bad for the usual leafy spring produce.

However, signs of hope are there in the near distance! The week after next, we will have bunched carrots arriving from Foskett’s in Suffolk. Sarah Green reports that the broad beans are in full flower, hip high, and the new potatoes are in flower too.

Don’t forget to return your re-usable Vegbox bags and packaging. When you want to take a holiday from Vegbox, please let us know at least a week in advance.

Tom Steele



What’s in the bag this week?

Small bag:

Setanta potatoes – Skea Organics, Angus

Spring greens – Langridge Organics, Lincolnshire

Aubergine – Langridge Organics, Gloucestershire

Green garlic bulb – Ripple Farm, Kent

Standard bag:

Setanta potatoes – Skea Organics, Angus

Spring greens – Langridge Organics, Lincolnshire

Mushrooms – Capel Mushrooms, Suffolk

Coriander – Wild Country Organics, Cambridgeshire

Red Oakleaf lettuce – Langridge Organics, Devon

Family bag:

Setanta potatoes – Skea Organics, Angus

Spring greens – Langridge Organics, Lincolnshire

Aubergine – Langridge Organics, Gloucestershire

Spring greens – Langridge Organics, Lincolnshire

Mini cucumbers – Langridge Organics, Herefordshire

Mixed salad leaves – Ripple Farm, Kent

Green garlic bulb – Ripple Farm, Kent


Mega bag:

Setanta potatoes – Skea Organics, Angus

Spring greens – Langridge Organics, Lincolnshire

Mushrooms – Capel Mushrooms, Suffolk

Mini cucumbers – Langridge Organics, Herefordshire

Coriander – Wild Country Organics, Cambridgeshire

Red Oakleaf lettuce – Langridge Organics, Devon

Pea shoots – Forty Hall, London


Fruit supplement:

Oranges – Langridge Organics, Spain

Wash all veg and fruit before eating. Store green garlic, aubergine, mushrooms, coriander, spring greens, cucumber, peak shoots and lettuce in the fridge. Protect potatoes from light to avoid sprouting.



Recipe: chermoula aubergine

Serves 1-2.

¼ green garlic bulb, sliced                                                   1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander                                                         ½ tsp chilli flakes

½ tsp sweet paprika                                                            1 tbsp chopped preserved lemon skin

70ml olive oil, plus extra to finish                                          1 medium aubergine

75g fine bulgar wheat                                                           50g sultanas

5g fresh coriander, chopped                                                5g fresh mint, chopped

25g green olives, halved                                                      15g flaked almonds, toasted

1 tbsp lemon juice                                                               60g yoghurt

  • Preheat the oven to 180°C / gas mark 4.
  • To make the chermoula, mix together the green garlic, cumin, coriander, chilli, paprika, preserved lemon, 50ml of the olive oil, and ¼ tsp of salt.
  • Cut the aubergine in half lengthways and score the flesh of each half with quite deep, diagonal, crisscross lines, making sure not to pierce the skin below.
  • Spoon the chermoula over each half, spreading it evenly, and place on a baking sheet. Roast for 40 minutes, or until the aubergine halves are very soft.
  • Place the bulgar wheat in a bowl and cover with 70ml boiling water.
  • Soak sultanas in 25ml of warm water for 10 mins, drain and add to the bulgar, along with the remaining oil.
  • Stir in the herbs, olives, almonds, lemon juice and salt; check seasoning.
  • Place one half-aubergine per portion on a serving plate, spoon bulgar on top, spoon over a little yoghurt, sprinkle with chopped coriander, and finish with a drizzle of olive oil.

Recipe: simple spicy spring greens

1 tsp sunflower oil or similar                                                 ¼ tsp chili flakes

bunch spring greens, sliced and chopped                             ½ green garlic bulb, chopped

2cm cube of ginger, finely chopped                                      1 tbsp soy sauce

  • Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat.
  • Add the spring greens and chilli flakes and cook for 5-7 minutes until wilted.
  • Add the green garlic and ginger and cook in the oil for about 30 seconds, then mix with the greens.
  • Cook everything for a few more minutes, then add the soy sauce and stir.
  • Remove from heat and serve immediately.

Recipe: sauteed potatoes 

This is how my mum always serves us potatoes. Delightfully crispy! Serves 2.

500g potatoes, washed                                                        2 tbsp olive oil

  • Cut the potatoes into bite sized chunks.
  • Put the potatoes in a pan of well-salted cold water and bring to the boil.
  • Simmer for about 15 minutes until just tender.
  • Drain well, and return to the hot pan to completely dry out for a couple of minutes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium high heat and then add the potatoes.
  • Sautee, and turn from time to time till they have a golden brown crisp all over.